MDPHP (“Monkey Dust”): What We need to Know
MDPHP is also known as ‘Monkey-Dust’ is a subbed cathinone and pyrovalerone which has been sold as an option in contrast to a-PHP and MDPV. Supposed to be less extraordinary than MDPV with comparative impacts. Buy MDPHP power is said to fluctuate generally, and there are reports of blended piece clusters containing different medications. Very little is had significant awareness of MDPHP concerning poisonousness, pharmacology, and digestion. Buy Monkey Dust
The mechanism of action of α-PHP is not known. It is believed that this drug acts similarly to other NDRIs like α-PVP and pentedrone.
What is MDPHP (“Monkey Dust”)?
MDPHP (“Monkey Dust”) is a new synthetic drug that has been making its way around the world. The drug is similar to MDMA (ecstasy) in that it produces feelings of euphoria and increased energy. However, MDPHP is much more potent than MDMA, and its effects can last for up to 12 hours. Because the drug is so new, little is known about its long-term effects. However, there are some reports of adverse effects, including anxiety, paranoia, and psychotic episodes.
MDPHP = 3′,4′-Methylenedioxy-α-pyrrolidinohexiophenone; “monkey dust”
PubChem: 119057580
Molecular formula: C17H23NO3
Molecular weight: 289.375 g/mol
IUPAC: 1-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-pyrrolidin-1-ylhexan-1-one
How Did Monkey Dust Get to be so Popular?
Monkey dust, also known as MDPHP, is a designer drug that first gained popularity in the UK in the early 2000s. The drug is a powerful stimulant that produces feelings of euphoria and increased energy. It has also been known to cause hallucinations and delusions. Monkey dust is often sold in powder form, which can be snorted, smoked, or injected. The effects of the drug typically last for several hours. Buy MDPHP
What does monkey dust mean?
Otherwise known as Zombie Dust, Cannibal Dust, and methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV), monkey dust is a synthetic cathinone or type of bath salt that is chemically similar to a naturally occurring stimulant called cathinone. Synthetic cathinones are part of a drug class called new psychoactive substances (NPS)
A ton of the consideration on the medication has come from the media. Reports of individuals utilizing “monkey dust” (said to either be MDPHP or MDPV) and afterward becoming fierce, maniacal, or self-destructive have spread around the UK and Australia specifically. Claims proposing it has a high possibility of making individuals maniacal or brutal are to a great extent unjustifiable.
Energizer psychosis is conceivable with high dosages, delayed use, as well as lack of sleep, yet it isn’t the normal impact nor is it exceptional to MDPHP; it can likewise effectively happen while manhandling normal energizers like cocaine or methamphetamine. With sensible portions and rest, psychosis is far-fetched.
What are the Effects of Monkey Dust?
Monkey dust, also known as MDPHP, is a powerful synthetic stimulant that has been gaining popularity in recent years. The drug is often sold in powder form and can be snorted, smoked, or injected. It produces feelings of euphoria and increased energy, along with hallucinations and paranoia. Monkey dust can be very dangerous, as it can cause psychosis, seizures, and even death. If you or someone you know is using monkey dust, it’s important to be aware of the risks and get help as soon as possible. buy Monkey Dust
What are the Long Term Health Effects of Using Monkey Dust?
There is still much unknown about the long-term health effects of using monkey dust. This is because the drug is so new and not many people have used it for extended periods of time. However, there are some concerns that monkey dust could lead to serious health problems down the road.
One worry is that monkey dust could cause damage to the brain. The drug causes users to feel extremely happy and energetic, but it also can cause them to become confused and paranoid. In some cases, people have even experienced hallucinations. If someone uses monkey dust regularly, they could potentially do serious damage to their brain over time. Buy MDPHP
Another concern is that monkey dust could lead to addiction. The high that users get from the drug is extremely powerful and addictive. Once someone starts using monkey dust, it would be very difficult for them to stop. This could lead to them needing increasingly larger doses of the drug in order to get the same effect. Eventually, this could lead to serious health problems or even death. buy Monkey Dust
If you or someone you know is considering using monkey dust, it is important to be aware of the potential risks involved. The long term effects of the drug are still unknown, but there is a chance that it could lead to serious
Legality (as of February 2019)
Australia: Not specifically controlled but might be an illicit analog.
Canada: Not specifically controlled but maybe an illicit analog.
UK: Class B
US: Unscheduled; Covered by Federal Analog Act
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